ELMO 1337-2 Document Cameras - Mega Pixels (MP): 5 Megapixels, Digital Zoom: 8

Built to Travel


I just received shipment of my new Elmo MO-1 and couldn't be any more pleased. I originally contacted Touchpads in order to order a larger unit but after an in-depth discussion with sales specialist Anthony, we concluded that the MO-1 which is much more portable (and less expensive ) would be the best choice for my particular situation. The unit will be used primariy with Grade 6 students but since I purchased it with personal funds, we agreed that the unit was definitely powerful enough for my needs and the portability would enable me to bring it home for security as well as whatever use might come along. I have already discovered that it will project any size image on my family room wall for tracing - Go Red Sox! The size and weight of the unit are almost incomprehensible until you actually hold it in your hand. It has multiple image qulities which I haven't quite figured out yet but, as I said previously, it will be used primarily with eleven (11) year olds and they can figure out just about anything. Based on my experience with this order, I will not purchase technology equipment from any other vendor than Touchpads and have shared that with my friends, colleagues, and family room artists. The representatives are courteous, patient, and know how to ask the right questions to help someone make the best possible purchase. They are undoubtedly the L.L. Bean of technology sales.

Dr Joseph A. on Jan 28, 2014 I found this helpful (0)

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