Educational Program



Save BIG on our best selling items when you qualify for our educational pricing! 

How it Works

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Your EDU Account Unlocks EDU Pricing

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Over 2 million items in inventory that are ready to ship. Product Specialists are ready to help place your order!

Your new EDU Price

Once you are approved for EDU Pricing, every item you see will have the new EDU Price shown after you login.

EDU Deals

Our EDU customers get amazing deals on top equipment.

Lumens DC125

Sale: $449

EDU: $280

You Save $169!

Mimio Teach

Sale: $1,049.00

EDU: $859

You Save $190!

Hitachi Projector

Sale: $2,279

EDU: $1,094.40

You Save $1,184.60!

QOMO Presenter

Sale: $799

EDU: $401.35

You Save $397.65!

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